Who are the most annoying fliers? Survey says …
Inattentive parents — those with no control over their crying or naughty kids — and rear seat kickers, little or big, rank as the two most irritating types of fellow flyers, according to Expedia.com’s recently released 2013 Airplane Etiquette Study.
The 1001 adult Americans surveyed were given the names and definitions of 19 types of improprieties on airplanes and asked to vote for their three most annoying.
Wimpy parents received the most wagging fingers, 41%, and foot kickers scored second at 38%.
The next two please-don’t-sit-near-me passengers: the aromatic who exudes body odor or strong perfume, 28%; and the disruptive boozer, 26%. The non-stop conversationalist, dubbed “chatty Cathy,” received 23%, placing the frequent natterer at number five on the list. However, 73% of respondents admit that “talkative fellow passengers inspire dread.”
Sky misdemeanors continue with the audio insensitive who speaks or cranks his music up too loudly, 19%, and tying for seventh and eighth place with 13% each are the seat-back guy who reclines his chair full tilt, and the carry-on baggage offender who totes too much luggage onboard. The back seat grabber, that person behind you who launches himself upright by clutching your seat back, and the queue jumper, the one who elbows down the aisle to deplane before everyone else, each received 12% of the bad behavior votes.
According to Expedia, 10% of the 1001 surveyed reported engaging in sex with a fellow flight mate. Nonetheless, respondents deemed inappropriate levels of affection a social breach when it involved someone else, giving the amorous, a 9% disapproval rating.
However, the actions at 30,000-feet are not all etiquette disasters. More than three-quarters of respondents — 79% — report experiencing the kindness of strangers. Most often, the good deeds were switching seats, 32 %, helping with luggage, 12%, and sharing food or drinks, 8%.
So have you been naughty or nice?