Loews Hotel Le Concorde Review

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Just before our taxi turns the corner to pull up to the Loews Le Concorde Hotel, we smile at the family whose kids, wearing N.Y. Yankees’ jerseys, toss a Frisbee to each other in National Battlefields Park across the street from the hotel. Later on, we realize that the Frisbee, as well as soccer balls, footballs and jump ropes, could have been borrowed from Loews.

Loews Hotel Le Concorde

That’s just one of Loews Concorde’s many family-friendly touches. Even though it’s a city property and not a resort, Loews Concorde wholeheartedly subscribes to the chain’s fantastic family programs: Loews Loves Kids, Very Important Teen (V. I. T.) and Very Important Pet (V. I. P).

For a welcome gift at check-in, babies receive a rattle, stuffed animal or other item, while kids ages 6 through 12 get a doodle pad or similar item. Teens, too “cool” to look like they want a present, probably do (don’t we all?). At Loews Le Concorde, the desk clerk hands them a music download gift card for free songs, plus information on sites and activities of interest to teens.

For those in-between sightseeing times, teens and kids are reminded that Loews lends CD’s, DVD players, Nintendos, Sony Play Stations, books and board games, which are delivered to families’ rooms. Just ask.

A final touch we appreciated during check-in: the list of on-call doctors and nearby hospitals, dentists and pharmacies that were provided — just in case.

All of this mitigates our initial impression of the property as a big, boxy and business-oriented place with a boring lobby in need of renovation. While some of that may be true, the property redeems itself with a family-friendly heart, good-sized rooms that were renovated in 2006, and a perfect location: next to the city’s signature park and off the Grand-Allee within an eight-minute walk of the Old City.